Monday, July 12, 2010

I am a horrible blogger...

Oh hey!! Lookie there....we're still alive. Oh, its true. Alive. You wouldn't know it, unless you keep up with us on Facebook :p Because a horrible blogger. :p

Since I last blogged, I had surgery. See, right after my last blog post, I started showing all the classic signs of pregnancy. Fatigue, achy parts, hot flashes, morning sickiness (of sorts) and missing cycles (those are sporadic, at best)...all that fun stuff. It was weird, and all tests came back negative. I finally sucked it up and went to the doctor. Turns out, I had a large cyst on my right ovary. Very, softball sized, large. Doctor decided the best course of action would be to remove it. So on May 12, I had my first surgery, ever. I had three incisions, one in my belly button, and two at my bikini line. The whole procedure was done laparascopically (wow-that's butchered...and spell check can't even figure out what I'm attempting to say :p) so my incisions are very small. He removed it all successfully, and now I'm on medication to regulate my system. We figure I'll stay on the medication for 6 months, and then go off of it to see if my body keeps up. If it does, we'll try for a baby. If it doesn't....well, we'll explore other options. :)

Clint and I both managed to injure our right feet. Yep, we're awesome like that. He ran over his at work one night while pulling a large pallet of dog food. The pallet was taller than he is, and was full of 50 lb. bags of dog food. He caught his heel with it. Managed to break his heel. Oh, and he has Achilles tendonitis. So he is in a large black boot for 6-8 weeks. I....don't have a cool story for mine. I was literally just walking. I have a stress fracture in my right arch. Because of its location, I am also in a large black boot, for 6-12 weeks. People think its "so cute!" that we're both in a boot on the same foot. Its funny, that's for sure! Our podiatrist says he's never seen such a thing in his entire 31 years of practice. :p

We went to Big Lake with his family the last week in June, like we always do. It was a blast, as always. We're going to try to go back up in August, for a long weekend :) and in September, we're going to California to visit my mom and brother. I haven't been to Yosemite National Park in years, and I miss it. Clint's never been, and I'm excited to show him around. We're really looking forward to it... :)

That's about it. See....3 months without blogging....and I have really, nothing interesting to say :p