Thursday, December 31, 2009

How Arizona Does Winter....

Yes, that would be my new christmas toe socks with my ever-so-comfy Honolua flip flops. Don't judge.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

FREE Photobook!!!

I got a great coupon in my email today! Its a coupon for a FREE 20 page Photo book PLUS FREE SHIPPING!!! The code is "BONNIE" at Its only good for the first 25,000 orders, or until 12/7/09. Which ever comes first. It was super easy to do! Its a $50 value, for FREE! WooHoo! Hurry on over to

Monday, October 12, 2009

Oh HAI!....

Yeah, we're alive. I'm just an absolute horrible blogger. We've been spending our time working, sleeping, scrapbooking (in my case), decorating for halloween (in my case), re-doing the bathroom (again, in my case-I SWEAR I'LL GET IT DONE SOON!), and playing Mario Party. That's pretty much the extent of our lives.

Clint's been working all over his store. He's supposed to only be in electronics, but they've had him everywhere, stocking. He comes home every morning completely exhausted and ready to pass out. Often, the only time we get to spend together is sleeping in the morning. So I've been staying up until about 3 or 4 in the morning, so that I can sleep in with him in the morning, just to spend a little time with him. Cute, huh? Its a little dysfunctional, but we make it work.

I'm working hard to earn a promotion at my store. I had my year-mark review the other day, and I had "exceeds expectations" in nearly every section. I got a $.50 raise, and they asked me if I'd be interested in being a Customer Service Supervisor (CSS, for short). I told them that I would ABSOLUTELY be interested! I was told I'll be getting an interview shortly. I'm trying to go out of my way to show them that I'm the right choice! :) It would mean another pay raise, and possibly some more normal hours. Either way, I'd be learning something new, and I'd be challenged on a daily basis!! I like running the Smoke Shop, but I'm really bored with it. I'm ready to move on up!

I know I promised to blog more about my trip to San Diego. But I also promised to blog about our camping trip back in JUNE, and I never delivered. Again, I'm a terrible blogger. I was doing really good there for awhile. Not sure what happened. Anyway, those blogs may come soon....they may not. I won't make any promises, this time :p

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Some pictures....

Ok, so my pictures loaded out of order, but that's probably operator error. :p its late, and I'm pretty tired. Here's a few pictures of our trip so far! I'll write more details later!

Callie, Natalie and Rosson (Nat's cousin) after the Shipwreck Rapids ride Natalie SO EXCITED for Shamu!!

Natalie and I before Shamu came out and soaked us!

Myself, Kristen (Rosson's girlfriend) & Rosson

Callie, myself and Natalie

Day Two at Sea World!!

Ok, so we went and saw Shamu again. I thought I was wet yesterday...nope!! I got SOAKED today!!!!!

Natalie enjoying her churro and frozen lemonade!

Natalie and I petting the Sting Rays

Myself, Natalie and Callie after a long day at Sea World

Like I said, I'll write in more detail later. I'm pretty much wiped out right now! :p

Saturday, September 5, 2009

So little to blog about...

I haven't blogged in so long. I've just been so bad about it. Its been too hot to do anything!! I haven't scrapbooked, because its too hot in the back of the house, and I'm really too lazy to drag all my stuff out into the living room. I haven't re-vamped anymore of my thrift store purchases like I'd sworn I would do. I started to clean our room the other day. We have a floor! Imagine that :p

I have, however, started my christmas shopping!! Oh yeah, I said it. Christmas.Shopping. I've started. Boo-yah! :p Don't get too excited...I've bought ONE gift LOL! But I got a screamin deal, so I'm excited about it. Got the supplies necessary to make another two christmas gifts. I really want to make as much as I can this year. It will save us so much money. Or so I'd like to think. Guess we'll see :)

I'm going to San Diego later this month for four days with a couple of friends. I'm really excited to get away for a few days. I am leaving Clint behind, he has to work. It will be the longest we've been apart since we got married. Four days isn't long at all, but I know I'm going to miss him like crazy. I can't wait to go though...I've never been to southern California. We'll be going to Sea World and Coronado Island, as well as relaxing on a couple local beaches. It'll be so nice to get away for a few days, before the holiday madness starts.

My beautiful new baby cousin was born last month! (a couple weeks ago, actually). Baby H was delivered by C-section, and both Mommy and Baby did great. She was 7lbs, 5 ounces and 20 inches long. She's so gorgeous, I love her so much already...and I haven't even met her yet! But how could you not love that adorable face?? You know I'll be scrapbooking her :)
That's about it from us. We're alive and relatively well. Been busy with work...story of our lives :p We both cannot WAIT for winter to be here. I think just about the entire state is sick of 100+ degree heat.

I'll try to remember to blog again soon :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009


For Sale:
(2) Two Alpine Type R 1000 Watt (each) Subs
$350 for both
But we're willing to listen to offers. :) Here they are in the box. Pretty, eh?
The price of the box, you ask? $100
ooo...this studly guy is a Kenwood 1700 watt amp.

A picture of all three together. Wanna buy the bundle? Make an offer!!
We need to sell...and we're willing to listen to offers!

Any questions? Ask!
Wanna buy? Comment!
Know someone who might be interested? Send them my way!

Monday, August 10, 2009


This past saturday, I had the day off from work. Hooray! That hardly ever happens, and I decided to spend the day running errands. I've been on the hunt for an antique, ornate I hit up a couple of Goodwills. I found a few things...but no frame.
I saw this and decided that it held a lot of potential. It was marked at $2.99, which is a steal in itself. But it had the sale tag of the day, and I got it for only $1.49!
I decided to paint it to match the scrapbook tool organizer that Clint got me for christmas. I'm going to use it to hold all of my cardstock packs!
So this is the before... and this is the after! Now, it isn't perfect...but I like it! It was a trial and error experience...but I think it turned out pretty well. The picture doesn't show the color too well...but I spray painted the whole thing Pistachio green, and did accents of black.

another picture. Its a good'll hold a lot of paper! :D

Tomorrow I'll paint a basket I bought! And I do have another item I purchased to re-vamp...but its gonna have to wait a few months ;)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

we ARE alive!

Hello- we're alive and well. busy with work...what else is new? I have nothing interesting to say. No funny stories...WAIT! yes I do!

Today when I left work, I walked to my car, but it wouldn't unlock! What.The.HECK?! I was so irritated. Then I looked down and realized...

This isn't my car.

OOPS!!! hahahaha I laughed really hard and walked down 6 or 7 cars and found MY car. So yeah...I'm basically an idiot. I should probably pay more attention :p

I think that's the most entertaining thing that has happened to us in quite some time. :p Kinda sad, huh?? I know it.

I lack the motivation and inspiration to write anything more. Its almost midnight! Gimme a break! I promise (?) I'll be back with more...sooner than later.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

and another one....

This is another page that I did in class today. I finished it at home. But I really like how it turned out. Its cute! :) Excuse the bad blackberry wasn't cooperating. What else is new? :p

On another note, please pray for my brother in law, Aaron. He's in the hospital. Everything is relatively ok...he's being watched carefully. He was admitted because his potassium levels were too low. We're praying for a speedy recovery! :)

New Page

I took a class at Scrapbooks Etc today. We did 3 pages. I've still got two to finish up...but here's one that we did. I love it. It features my adorable nephew, Kyle :) I really like it. What do you think?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Its Friday!

Well, it is for Clint and I at least. We both have tuesday and wednesday off from work this week. :D I'd love to say that we're going somewhere, doing something, getting away from the heat....but we're not. We're gonna stay here, do nothing, and stay inside away from the heat. :p We might hit the pool up a couple of times....but that's about it. He'll play World of Warcraft, and I'll scrapbook. Speaking of scrapbooking....I have some new pages! :D

Its Love
Our Parents

And I've already posted this one, but this is a slightly better picture of it :)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

a random post...

I was just looking through wedding pictures....deciding which ones to scrapbook. I fell in love with my dress all over again. I truly felt so beautiful on our wedding day. I have the desire to put it on and just lounge around. HAHA :p Does anyone else ever feel that way about their dress? I really do completely love my dress :)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Things that everyone likes, but Alicia hates....

My bloggy friend Lauren did a post that was "Lauren's list of crap that she hates but the rest of the world LOVES." and she tagged all of her readers, commenters, bloggy friends to post their own. So here's mine :)

I'll probably be shot, maimed, hung by my ears....but Twilight tops my list. I'm sorry!! I've read the first two books. They were actually pretty good. Do I understand the hype? Absolutely NOT! It was a good book. That's about it. I watched the movie. Horrible. Hated it. The End.
(Don't kill me...I'm entitled to my opinion :p)Pajamas in Public. Ok...I'm the first to admit that I'm pretty darn lazy. Most days, I don't bother with makeup, and the hair is just in a ponytail. But I at least throw on jeans and a tshirt before I leave the house. Good grief.
World Of Warcraft. Hubby man plays it. Dominates his life. Meet his wife: World of Warcraft. I'm just the mistress. Ok, not really. But he does play...a LOT. Do I get it? Nope! I've tried. He gets irritated when I mess up the terminology :p I asked him once about Agrogging. He thought I was being a miss smarty pants....but I was serious. Oops :p

Musicals. Ugh. Gag me. I really think I'd rather face a huge spider head on (Hi: I'm arachnaphobic) than watch a musical. Pretty much goes for all of them. Give me a great football game, and I am happy as a clam. Put me in a theatre in front of a musical...and you're commiting a crime. Srsly. Homicide is wrong.

Amusement Parks. *Except Disneyland, which I'm sure is completely awesome, though I've never been* I hate roller coasters. I hate fast rides. I hate rides that put me upside down. Hi, $60. I'd rather spend you at a scrapbook store. :)

So that's my list. Don't hate. Re-post your own if you'd like! Let me know if you do! I'm curious to see everyone's lists! :D

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Too cute

I tell people that I have the cutest neice and nephew ever. Lets face it, I do :) They were playing in their kiddy pool this last weekend in our front yard, and Kenzie somehow ended up face first in the dirt. Courtney (their beautiful mom & my sister in law) took this adorable picture of her! Apparently, Kenzie didn't really mind the dirt. Well, I was inspired by the picture... and I created this. Now, my blackberry is being dumb, so I can't really get a decent picture of it. Its pinks, browns, and a little bit of green. The quote is "A little dirt never hurt!" I used a lot of Tim Holtz distress ink in Walnut Stain to give it a "dirty" look. I really like how it turned out :)

Comments and constructive criticism is always welcome :)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

I love lazy days....

Outside my window...its dark :)

I am thinking...about scrapbooking :)

I am thankful family. my friends. my health. my JOB. I'm very blessed.

I am new shirt from Old Navy, jeans, and flip flops :)

I am creating...nothing at the moment. Gonna start working on my scrapbook pages again soon! :)

I am reading...the Twilight series. I finally caved.

I am hoping...that this cold leaves me soon. I hate being sick.

I am hearing... Deadliest Catch on tv

Around the house...the AC running

One of my favorite things...scrapbooking!! If I could make a living out of it, I totally would!

A few plans for the rest of the, scrapbook, sleep, spend time with my loved ones :)

A picture to share...(well a layout)

Pic is Natalie, Danyelle and myself....goofing off one night at JoAnn's. Cuz we're cool like that. Don't hate. Just love on the page. I adore it :D

Friday, July 3, 2009

We're home!

We've been home...for almost a week. I have lots of pictures to post....BUT I have to buy a USB cord for my camera first. Clint's computer charger broke, and so I can't use his laptop to upload them like I usually do. We had TONS of fun on our camping trip! The fishing was completely amazing! I did get fried one day. Like, completely. It was bad. But its healing. We all got bit by many mosquitos....but we're healing from that too. Some of Clint's co-workers asked him, "What happened to your arms??" and he responded, "Oh, its just chicken pox." One of them went and tattled to the manager because she believed him! LOL!

We hope everyone has a safe and Happy 4th!! We're both working, so we obviously won't be doing much :p

Sunday, June 21, 2009

If you need us...

We'll be here.... Big Lake, AZ
Doing a lot of this....

We'll be back on the 29th. Try not to miss us. :p

Dear Daddy

Today is a day to celebrate dad's. I love my dad. He's such an amazing man. He's always been my rock, helping me through the big and the small trials in my life.

Thanks so much for everything you do, Dad. I appreciate it more than words can ever say.

Happy Fathers' Day, Dad. I love you :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy, Happy Birthday!

Today is my little brother's birthday!! Alex is 17 today!! Where has the time gone?? :p
Happy Birthday, Alex!! Prom Night, 2009

One Year...

One year ago this family was enduring trials we didn't think we'd ever have to endure.

One year ago this month....we cried a thousand tears, and said a million prayers.
One year ago this month....we were struggling to understand how and why.
One year ago, June 18th, my stepfather, Fred Laam, lost his battle with cancer.
It was a very difficult time in our lives. Thanks to the loving support of our family, friends, and Heavenly Father, we made it through. I knew we would. It was just hard to remember that at the time. We've all come to terms with it. My mom has met and is dating another wonderful man. She misses Fred terribly, and Tim is very understanding and is there to help her through the tough times.
Fred is missed very much. Not a day goes by that we don't think of him. But we know that he's watching over us. It gives us peace and puts us at ease. :)
*Photo is courtesy of Summer. Pictures are of my parents wedding day*

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Here's my completed Friend Brag Book. Mostly, anyway. I'm debating on how to bind it...but this is what the entire book looks like when you're looking at it all :) I have detail pictures that I'll post later....busy doing laundry and packing for our camping trip :) Feel free to leave comments, suggestions, or constructive criticism! This is the first one I've ever made....and there are definitely things I could've and probably should've done differently :)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Feeling Domestic...

I'm not sure exactly what it is....but today I started feeling really domestic. I don't exactly want to vacuum the carpet....I just feel the need to create something. I've got the urge to sew something pretty. How weird is that?? The last time I touched a sewing machine, I managed to knot it up pretty good. In fact, I think it might still be out of comission. [Oops!] I found a cute girls blog (I don't know how to link to it), and she sews all sorts of cute clothes. she took a onesie and attached fabric to it to make a cute dress for her daughter. Um...adorable! I just look at a sewing machine, and I imagine all the super cute stuff I could make! :) Perhaps I'll attempt to learn how to sew. :) I've thrown myself into scrapbooking, and I like to think that getting I'm pretty good at it :) But I think I'd like to become more crafty and domestic-y. I just want to create cute things for my home, my family, my friends. So far, I'm good for a scrapbook page. That's about all. :p I have a couple other ideas. A cute girl makes what she calls "Big Pages" and frames them. I think I'd like to tackle one myself. For a gift. For someone special. Speaking of making gifts....I've been working on a super cute project for someone special! ;) Curious? Is it bugging you yet? That's too bad. It won't be unveiled until its done. Hopefully, that'll be sooner than later. :) But so far its beyond cute, and I'm super excited to gift it. And I think this person will LOVE it as well. At least, I hope so :) So stay tuned for that, but don't hold your breath. It probably won't be ready till after vacation.

Speaking of vacation...

We're leaving for Big Lake next weekend. Do I need to even tell you how excited we are? Because we are beyond excited. We've been anxiously counting down the days. We're staying the full week, and we can't wait. Last year, we had just gotten married, and we only went for a weekend. We're going the entire week this year. Lots and lots of fishing awaits us. I'm even taking some scrapbooking :D Yes, I'm that much of a dork. But I have lots of cute kits made and ready, so I don't have to take all my stuff. Just the basics. It'll keep me busy. I need to get a book. Still debating reading Twilight. Natalie thinks I should. Half the world thinks I should. I'm still being stubborn and holding out. But I haven't completely dismissed the idea. We'll see. I usually end up taking a couple Harry Potter books. :) But I've read them all numerous might be nice to read something new. :) We shall see :p

So...I can't think of much more to blog on about. We're alive and well. :)

Opinions, Please :)

Ok, so I have a friend who asked me to make her one of these. She gave me the money, and I purchased the materials. Its not done yet....I need to add embellishments and whatnot....But this is the first "brag book" I've ever made. So I was just curious what you all thought of it so far. I think its kind of cute. But maybe that's just me :p So critique away!! :)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

The boys...

I realized the other day that I've only been scrapbooking pictures of Clint and I on the Temple grounds. But we had a bunch of amazing people involved in our special day. Today, I did a page showcasing the groomsmen. I like how it turned out. Its nice and bright. I keep having to remind myself that I don't need to stick to just black, white and turquoise. :p Bright colors really add to it, I think. I tend to gravitate towards the neutrals. I found a page similar to this online that gave me the inspiration to create this. :)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

I don't have a unique title....

but I do have a funny story!!! :p Clint was at work on friday night, and he had a few guys come into the electronics department. His department was being waxed, and customers weren't allowed in the movie section, to avoid accidents. The guys asked for a movie, so Clint carefully walked over and got the movie. They were all talking about all these "man" movies (as Clint calls them). After talking for a few minutes, one of them suddenly says to Clint, "Hey! We should go out sometime!" Clint was pretty much stunned. He tells me he immediately thought, "If this guy touches me, I'm going to lose my job!" He kinda stammered for a few minutes, then said to the guy, "um...I'm MARRIED." I guess the guy just kind of brushed it off, tried to give Clint his number, saying "well, if you ever change your mind..."

LOL! I don't know that I've ever laughed so hard. I mean, Clint doesn't exactly give off vibes that would give someone the idea that he might be into men. :p

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New Page...

I haven't scrapbooked in a few weeks, with the exception of the Scrappin' Sampler class I did a couple weeks ago at Scrapbooks, Etc. One week, Clint and I were VERY sick with a nasty upper respiratory infection. Last week, we were really busy with preperations for Kyler's graduation....well, mostly, I just ran errands all day. We didn't really have any "preperations" to make :p We just had lots of air horns to buy :p

This is detail of the bottom of the page...
Detail of the top of the page....

Bad picture of the entire page....

I really think this might be my favorite page I've made so far. I really like the way it turned out. Of course, its a yucky picture, taken with my Blackberry. I have no idea where my digital camera is. I should probably find it before we go camping next month....
Anyway.....I promise I'll blog more soon. I've been really bad about it later. But we are alive. And I am still scrappin' away! :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Class of 2009

Clint's little brother, Kyler, is graduating from high school today. We're so happy that his guitar class isn't holding him back :p He's a great kid, with a very bright future ahead of him!! We know he'll do everything he sets his mind to. Congratulations Kyler!! We're very proud of you!!! :D

Kyler McLaws
Mountain View High School
Class of 2009
His official graduation announcement. :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Mother....

1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE.
"If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning."

2. My mother taught me RELIGION.
"You better pray that will come out of the carpet."

3. My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
"If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!"

4. My mother taught me LOGIC.
"Because I said so, that's why."

5. My mother taught me MORE LOGIC.
"If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the store with me."

6. My mother taught me FORESIGHT.
"Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident."

7. My mother taught me IRONY.
"Keep crying, and I'll give you something to cry about.."

8. My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS.
"Shut your mouth and eat your supper."

9. My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM.
"Will you look at that dirt on the back of your neck!"

10. My mother taught me about STAMINA.
"You'll sit there until all that spinach is gone."

11. My mother taught me about WEATHER.
"This room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it."

12. My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY.
"If I told you once, I've told you a million times. Don't exaggerate!"

13. My mother taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE.
"I brought you into this world, and I can take you out."

14. My mother taught me about BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION.
"Stop acting like your father!"

15. My mother taught me about ENVY.
"There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do."

16. My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION.
"Just wait until we get home."

17. My mother taught me about RECEIVING.
"You are going to get it when you get home!"

18. My mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE.
"If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to stay that way."

19. My mother taught me ESP.
"Put your sweater on; don't you think I know when you are cold?"

20. My mother taught me HUMOR.
"When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me."

21. My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT.
"If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up."

22. My mother taught me GENETICS.
"You're just like your father."

23. My mother taught me about my ROOTS.
"Shut that door behind you. Were you raised in a barn?"

24. My mother taught me WISDOM.
"When you get be my age, you'll understand."

25. My mother taught me about JUSTICE.
"One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you."

I don't have the privelege of spending mothers day with my mom. She lives in California. My mom is beautiful. She's smart, funny, and adventurous. She's the life of everyone's party, and brings joy to everyone in her presence. The above points were sent to me via email, but they bring back floods of memories from my childhood. :)

I love you, Mom. Happy Mothers' Day :)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Not so sure...

how I feel about this one. I love this picture of our hands, during the ceremony. Our cousins girlfriend took it. When I found the quote "As I give you my hand to hold, I give you my heart to keep", I had a flash of inspiration. It didn't turn out quite as I'd envisioned...but I think its cute :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A few more pages....

Love is all you need... Living Eternally when kissing your lips...

GROOM.... :)

BRIDE... :)

You'll have to excuse the poor quality of these pictures. Clint's computer is on the fritz, and its what I use to upload the pictures from my digital camera. SO I took these with my new BlackBerry (which I happen to be in LOVE with! :p) and the flash is EXTREMELY bright, and it kinda cut the pages weird. get the general idea. :) I happen to be very happy with the pages I've done...although I did cheat and buy a few super cute kits...they supply the pieces and I put it together :) Today I went to a local scrapbook store and took advantage of a coupon I had for a free die cut lab. I'm in love. LOL! They had all sorts of great die cuts and you can make as many as you want! Normally, its only $5 for an hour, which is pretty reasonable when you consider all you can get. MUCH cheaper than investing in a Cricut, or a Slice. Don't get me wrong-I'd LOVE to have one or the other....but since I can't right now, I'll visit the die cut lab every once in a while :) I've got all sorts of fun die cuts to play with to create some new pages. I've been really good about doing at least one page every day I have off. Its not much, but it gets the book done :) Slowly, but surely :)