Saturday, May 30, 2009

I don't have a unique title....

but I do have a funny story!!! :p Clint was at work on friday night, and he had a few guys come into the electronics department. His department was being waxed, and customers weren't allowed in the movie section, to avoid accidents. The guys asked for a movie, so Clint carefully walked over and got the movie. They were all talking about all these "man" movies (as Clint calls them). After talking for a few minutes, one of them suddenly says to Clint, "Hey! We should go out sometime!" Clint was pretty much stunned. He tells me he immediately thought, "If this guy touches me, I'm going to lose my job!" He kinda stammered for a few minutes, then said to the guy, "um...I'm MARRIED." I guess the guy just kind of brushed it off, tried to give Clint his number, saying "well, if you ever change your mind..."

LOL! I don't know that I've ever laughed so hard. I mean, Clint doesn't exactly give off vibes that would give someone the idea that he might be into men. :p


Mike and Katie said...

OK, super funny! I'm laughing real hard. I don't want this taken the wrong way, but Clint is the last person a gay guy should be into. He is like the farthest from it ever.

Courtney said...

ha ha that is awesome! I am literally laughing out loud!!!