Saturday, February 28, 2009

In the past month...

I've been chewed out by a bum. For.Reals. I said, "Hi, how are you this evening?" when he came through my check out lane. True story! I was sweeter than sweet. He ripped me a new one for being "rude & condescending". Um, yeah. THAT'S what it is. Honestly, I fought SO HARD to keep from laughing in his face. He said that everybody is horrible these days, and the lady behind him said, without missing a beat, "I'm great!!". LOL! The sick part?? He came through my line an hour later, and I said "Hi, how are you this evening?" DOH! Its such a habit. I immediately apologized profusely. He offered to teach another cashier how to be a bum. Her response? "Nah-I'm not so good at pan-handling." OMG! I died. I kid you not. A few days later, he was banned from our store by police because he was carrying a HATCHET and threatening people with it!! So yeah, I could've died, folks. Meh....

I've realized that I probably have the worst.roadrage.ever. Srsly. I get really irritated by people who don't do the speed limit (i.e. 25 in a 45. Srsly??). I get really irritated by people who cut me off, then slam on their brakes for no reason. What the heck?? People who merge onto the freeway doing 10 mph. OMG don't get me started!!! I almost got slaughtered by an SUV because the moron in front of me slammed on his breaks to allow ALL the traffic to pass him on the freeway before he'd proceed on. We all ended up going around him. It was ridiculous. Where are the cops when we need them?? Clint gets a LOT of laughs at my expense. I yell and scream and gesture wildly in the air. Will this make a difference in their driving?? I highly doubt it. In fact, its pretty irrational. Meh.....

I can actually throw a decent party!! :D I'm Matron of Honor for a friend getting married in March. On Feb. 21st, I threw her a bridal shower. I was SOOO nervous for it! Seriously, I spent MONTHS preparing! I felt like throwing up when I woke up that day. The decor was very simple, all black and hot pink. We played a couple of games, ate lots of yummy food, and really enjoyed ourselves. I was very happy with the turnout, and with the results of the party. It really was lovely and all of the family commented on it. So, now I feel like I can take on anything! =]

Speaking of the 21st....Clint turned 24 on the 21st of February. Happy Birthday Clint!!! I love you more than ANYTHING!! :D I bought him a very nice Phoenix Suns hat. He got a gift card for Macaroni Grill from his mom, and we wasted no time going to eat! He received some money from his dad, and bought himself a really nice mouse for his computer. He's a gamer, and he goes through mouses really fast. He wanted a good quality one that would last awhile. I was so happy that he was able to use his birthday money on something that he wanted, rather than something he needed. In the past few years, everytime we receive a monetary gift, it goes straight to bills. The realities of being adults.... :p

I do believe that is just about it. We really are boring. People say all the time that its not possible. I swear to you it is. It seems that all we do is work and sleep. But we're alive. We're healthy. We're loving that its 90 degrees in February :P Hope you all are doing well! =]


Busy Bee Lauren said...

I can't believe you have never been to Disneyland! Get in a car, right now and go!!