Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Not so good at this....

I'm not very good at this blogging thing. Haha...our lives are pretty boring--there's just not much to talk about!! We're both just working a lot, as usual. I've been looking for a new job, because there's a whole lot of favrotism in my department--and I can't deal with it anymore. However, in this economy, finding a new job is proving to be difficult. I had an interview last week, but I didn't get the job. Weird, because I've never interviewed for a job that I didn't get. It was bound to happen sometime :) I just keep trying :)

Clint and I had a pregnancy "scare"---already, I know!! Came back negative, and we were both kind of bummed about it. Clint, especially. He wants so desperately to be a dad. He acts like he's a big tough guy, but he's got the biggest heart and he's such a teddy bear :) He's constantly talking about having a baby. :) We've decided to kinda, sorta try. He's so completely excited about the idea of being a father. He'll be such a wonderful father someday. I can hardly wait to raise a family with him. :)

Well, I suppose that's about all the excitement on our end. Thrilling, I know. I wasn't lying when I said that we're boring :p


Anonymous said...

You guys are far from boring! Haha..I laugh at your husband all the time. I want you to have babies so I can babysit and spoil them! Keep us posted on the "kinda sorta trying" haha! You guys are awesome and we need to get together soon! Love you both :)