Friday, June 17, 2011

31 Weeks

We had another Level 2 ultrasound this week. McKynlee's kidneys look fine, which is great news! The mass is larger. Almost 6 cm now....4 cm larger than 8-9 weeks ago. So at this point, we begin weekly ultrasounds to monitor its growth. Doctor said we may even need to bump it up to twice weekly ultrasounds. If the mass were to get too large, it could begin to put strain on her heart. Hence, the need for closer monitoring. It grows as she grows. The delivery plans are still if-y. Right now, she weighs about 4 lbs, 8 oz. We'll see what happens in the coming weeks, and then we'll decide on traditional delivery vs. c-section.

Pregnancy Highlights

How far along: 31 weeks, 3 days

Total Weight loss/gain: I have lost count! I have gained weight back, but I'm still below the 10 lbs doctor initially told me to lose. So, we consider it weight loss :)

Maternity clothes: I have one pair of jeans that still slip off me. I'm constantly hiking them up. I can still fit into my pre-maternity jeans, though they're slowly becoming more uncomfortable. My pre-maternity tops still fit just fine. My work shirts are just now becoming a little too short, as the belly starts to protrude more. :p

Best moment this week: She's been SUPER active the past 24 hours. I don't know if she's stopped for more than 5 minutes at a time. I love all her kicks, pokes, and somersaults. Though some of them are becoming slightly painful as she gets stronger and is getting more cramped in her space. :p

Movement: Again, she's BEYOND active!

Food craving: This week, I've been craving mexican food. Nachos, tacos, burritos....whatever! I'm not picky! Although I am trying to ignore said cravings and choose healthier choices to keep the gestational diabetes in check.

What I miss: decent sleep! The past week has become increasingly difficult to get a good nights rest. Between her midnight dance parties, aching hips and back, leg cramps, bathroom dashes....I'm up every few hours.

Sleep: see "what I miss"

What I'm looking forward to: McKynlee making her debut sometime in the next 9 weeks! We are so ready to welcome her into the world! Clint becomes more and more impatient by the day.

Belly Button: Still an innie. Although, its becoming more and more stretched as she gets bigger.

Symptoms: Braxton Hicks have made an appearance. I've had cramping as well, but doctor says its completely normal. Lack of sleep and energy. Achy hips, legs, back. Sciatic nerve pain. I've adopted a slight waddle in my walk :p Nausea is also starting to show again. I went about a month with none was so nice!!!