Sunday, August 24, 2008

So Tired....

Ever since Clint started working nights, I seem to have developed some major insomnia problems LOL! I can sleep just fine with him here, but when he's gone-its very difficult. Random, I know. =P Right now, I'm completely exhausted and I can hardly seem to keep my eyes open as I type. But the second I crawl into bed, I'm wide awake. I think that I would sleep much, much better if we had one of those handy security doors on the front door. Right now, its a bunch of glass paines that anyone could easily break and gain access to the house. The likelihood of this happening is slim to none--but these are the silly scenarios that I build up in my mind. And I think that deep down, its thoughts like these that keep me awake at night. I'm keenly aware of every tiny little sound. And its always nothing. The house just naturally settling as they all do. I've considered trying to find a job working nights as well, just so that I can actually get some sleep hahaha.

Speaking of jobs, I'm still searching for a new one. I had a great interview, and I thought for sure I'd landed the job--but didn't get it. Everything happens for a reason, so I just kind of got over it. It seems like everyone else though is going and and finding a job so easily. I've been looking for months, and I'm getting nothing. Well, I did get an email from Express Scripts, but their pay is only $11.25 an hour. We really can't afford to go down on the pay scale. They do offer a pay differential of about $1.25 an hour, if you work the super early shift (starts at 5 am), and I've considered doing that. It'd be a bit more than I'm making now. The thing is that I know that something will drop into my lap when I least expect it. So I keep looking and applying online. The worst they can do is not call me. Or call me, and then say thanks, but no thanks.

Our cousins Dusty and Leslie blessed their new baby boy, Dallas, today. He's a stud. =]

I've written recently that our friends Mike and Natalie are relocating. Mike leaves on September 1st. This past month has flown by. Its hard to believe that this is our last week with him. I'm gonna be a sobbing mess when it comes to say goodbye =P My emotions lately are twice as bad as normal. I cry easily anyway-its just the way I am. But good grief- I cry at EVERYTHING lately. Its horrible. I don't know what on earth is wrong with me. I was driving to the grocery store last weekend and Tim McGraws "Live like you were dying" came on the radio. No joke: I had to pull over because I started sobbing for no reason. Yeah, I'm a mess LOL!


Courtney said...

I've been there! Aaron worked nights from the time that we got married until about 3 months ago. It is scary to get used to it!!! I used to check the door a million times, sleep with all the lights on, and keep the phont right be me so I could call mom if anything happened. Pretty soon though I realized that with Aaron at work, II had the while bed to myself, and I could sprawl out as much as I wanted to, AND I could take up the whole dang bed if I wanted to. When I realized this, I got over my fears really quickly.
I think it was harder for me to learn to share the bed again after he got a normal day job lol.