Saturday, August 30, 2008

Random Lil' Survery--Thanks Dany!

I am: amazing =]
I know: the Church is true!
I want: to be sealed in the Temple to Clint
I have: an amazing family!
I wish: I had a career...
I miss: Clint, when he's not around
I fear: losing anyone in my family. I would be devestated
I feel: sick! =[
I hear: pre-game show for Alabama-LSU football game
I smell: hash browns
I crave: about 18 hours of sleep!
I search: for a job that I love, rather than one that just happens to pay the bills.
I wonder: why the power just went out...and now our cable isn't working....
I regret: very few things
I am not: a very good housewife. I hate to clean.
I believe: that Christ lives and is our Savior!
I dance: every chance I get. I'm not very good at it, but I love to do it!!!
I sing: in the car. loudly. but only if i'm by myself =P
I don’t always: eat like I should
I fight: as little as possible.
I write: in my online blog. but that's about it. i'm not much of a writer.
I lose: my mind at the beginning of every month. my job gets INSANE!
I win: not very often!
I never: sleep well during thunderstorms
I listen: carefully.
I am scared: of not finding my one true calling on earth. terrified of not having a career, and being stuck repoing cars the rest of my life
I need: my loved ones around me. I'm happiest surrounded by family and/or friends.
I am happy about: every day =] Life is good =]