Sunday, June 8, 2008

My One and Only :)

I snagged this from Danyelle :)


1. Who is your man? Clinton Owen
2. How long have you been together? 28 months (just over two years)
3. Dating/Engaged/Married? Dated for 22 months, engaged for 4 months, married for almost two :)
4. How old is your man? 23

You or your man?
1. Who eats more? Definitely Clint
2. Who said "I love you" first? Clint. We'd only been together for two weeks! But we talked online and on the phone for about 2 months, so it felt like we were together before we'd even met. :)
3. Who weighs more? Clint
4. Who sings better? Well, we both sing. But he refuses to let people hear him, and I have a terrible solo voice. I'll say Clint
5. Who's Older? I am! By 3 months
6. Who's smarter? We are both very smart but in completely different things
7. Who's temper is worse? I'd say mine. I get irritated very easily. Clint keep his cool. He's definately an example for me.
8. Who does the laundry? I do
9. Who does the dishes? I do
10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do
11. Who's feet are bigger? Clint's. They're HUGE
12. Who's hair is longer? Mine
13. Who's better with the computer? hmm...that's a toss-up. We're both very smart about different things.
14. Who mows the lawn? no lawn :)
15. Who pays the bills? I do
16. Who cooks dinner? Me
17. Who drives when you are together? Kinda depends. Usually Clint.
18. Who pays when you go out to dinner? Usually me, just because Clint leaves his wallet at home. :p
19. Who's the most stubborn? Wow, we both are LOL
20. Who is the first one to admit when they're wrong? Me. LOL! Clint is VERY stubborn and "rarely" wrong :p
21. Who's parents do you see more? We see Clint's mom a lot. Especially lately-our AC keeps pooping out and we've been staying at her house at least once a week for the past month. :p My parents live out in Apache Junction-really not that far...but with gas prices so high, we can't go out there all the time.
22. Who named your dog? No dog, just 2 cats. I had them before I met Clint.
23. Who kissed who first? Clint kissed me first. We'd talked on the phone about how it felt like we were already dating, and at the end of our first date, he asked "So, are we-or aren't we?" I'd like to say that I scared him and made him sweat it out, but I liked him so much that I was like, "Oh, we totally are!" and then he kissed me :)
24. Who asked who out? I'll say he did, because he initiated contact first.
25. What did you do? He picked me up, and as soon as I got into the car, the Spice Girls blared through the speakers. I laughed so hard, and he insisted that it was his sisters' cd. :p We went to Applebees for dinner, where I ordered this Orange chicken bowl, and he ordered a SIDE of mashed potatoes. LOL. Then, we went and saw the movie Firewall. Before the movie began, he started tickling me, and I fought to get away, and kicked the lady that was in front of us in the head! We held hands through the entire movie, and then he took me home. :)
26. Who's more sensitive? Me!! I'm like, hyper-emotional
27. Who's taller? Clint by almost a foot!
28. Who has more friends? well, Clint knows a lot more people. He's still really close with friends from high school though. I've (unfortunately) grown apart from my best friend. We have a lot of the same friends now. His friends are fantastic! I love them all as my brothers/sisters. :)
29. Who has more siblings? Well, if you count only blood related siblings-then he does. 2 sisters and a brother. I have one brother. If you count step-siblings, then we have equal amounts. He's got 2 step-brothers, I have 4. :p
30. Who wears the pants in the relationship? That's difficult. I'd like to say that I do, because I do the cooking, cleaning and paying of the bills. However, I think we have an equal hand in our relationship. We find a common ground, and don't try to outdo each other.