Monday, December 22, 2008

50 Girly Questions...

I snagged this off of a blog that I've been reading. Don't even know the lovely young lady, but she's SO funny! I love reading her blog. =]

1. what is your name? Alicia Marie

2. what color is your bra? white

3. Do you straighten your hair everyday? nope...don't really care that much. I probably should. I look better when I do hahaha

4. Do you worry about the size of your boobs? sometimes, I worry that they'll end up causing back problems. laugh it up. say I'm "blessed". w/e

5. Are you the typical girl who's addicted to gossip?: nope, I'll listen to it, but I don't live for it

6. What's your favorite girly magazine?: Cosmo

7. Best junk food? um...tortilla chips =]

8. Would you kill for chocolate? I've thought about it. HAHAHA =P jk

9. Do you go to lunch with girls a lot? not really. just Natalie and/or Laural on occasion

10. Jeans or skirts?: hate skirts. love jeans

11.Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that's uncomfortable? nope! I don't really care what other people think. I won't wear something just to look cute.

12. Did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy? not anymore. I admit that I did when Clint and I first started dating. I think I took all day getting ready for our first date =P

13. Did you ever cry during a romantic movie? I admit that I do!

14. Would you leave the house without makeup on?: almost every day. people are surprised when I DO wear makeup.

15. What's the biggest turn on about guys?: funny guys. I love a guy who can make me laugh =]

16. What about the biggest turn off? controlling guys

18. On a scale of 1-10, how fun is shopping?: um can I do -10?? I HATE IT!! I find what I want online, then I do a beeline through the store to get it. Now, sometimes I do get in the mood to browse. But its rare

19. Are you a girly-girl, tomboy, or in the middle? I'd say in the middle

20. Do you think lipgloss is the best?: I like it. I own lots. Usually, I'm wearing chapstick though

22. Do you freak out if you miss your favorite show? nope. that's what the internet is for

23. Do you obsess over your looks? not at all

24. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?: about 10 minutes. LOL!

26. Accessories make the outfit; true or false: I'm sure they do...I just don't care enough to accessorize.

28. What kind of guys do you like? tall, cute and funny =] basically, Clint ♥

29. Is pink truely the best color in the entire universe? NO!!!

30. Lip gloss a must? not really, but I like it

32. Do you have a bf?? nope...a husband!

33. mountains or ocean? mountains

34. Do you take the chance on Halloween to dress like a whore? no, I don't dress up for halloween

35. Ever dressed like a whore to impress a guy?: um, no!

36. Do you often wish there was something you could change? yeah, who doesn't??

37.Has a guy ever given you something on valentines day? a little stuffed monkey one year (we were broke lol) and flowers last year

38. Gold or silver?:Silver, white gold

39. The guy that you like/LOVE/whatever, what is his name? Clint McLaws

41. Do you dress up too much for holidays? nope!

43. Do you write alot of mushy love poems? nope. i'd rather be watching football

44. Do you consider yourself to be fashionable? eh, not really lol

45. On a scale of 1-10, how much do guys confuse you? only like a 2. i understand guys way better than I understand girls

46. Guys that cry during movies: sweet or weird? sweet

47. Do you worry or fuss about your clothes? nope!

48. Do you wear make-up? every once in a while

49. What makeup product could you NOT live without?? mascara. I look more awake when I'm wearing it

50. what age do you want to get married? um, i got married at 23 =]


Busy Bee Lauren said...

Is this from my blog? Because I have done that before. Wait...maybe I didn't. Maybe I am thinking of a thing I did on Myspace like 4 years ago!!

Anonymous said...

I saw your comment about Twilight on Afton's blog and... YOU MUST READ THE TWILIGHT SERIES!! I'm not a big reader and am obsessed with so good! The way the characters are described and the relationships...AMAZING! Please read's essential for your well being! :)

Clint & Alicia McLaws said...

yes Lauren, I snagged it from your blog. I was reading a lot of your posts cuz I was really down and your posts made me laugh. =] Found this and figured, "eh-why not?" =Pv

Dany- Perhaps I'll consider reading the Twilight series, then. I do love to read. I think my favorite ever is Harry Potter. LOL I'm a dork =P

Anonymous said...

I have all the books and am on the third one, "Eclipse", so if you want to read them I'll bring you the first two! You'll die!

Clint & Alicia McLaws said...

ooo that'd be awesome Dany, if I could borrow your copies. I'd hate to pay money for something that I may not like. =P But I'm always up for a good book, so I'll give them a shot. If I become sucked in, I blame you =P haha jk